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Gem Quality Diamonds Online

Everything you expect in precious GEMS

About us

Gem Quality Diamonds Online (GQDO), a Vantera Commodities Group LLC company (www.vanteracommodities.com), is an established developing gem quality polished diamonds and jewelry manufacturing wholly owned subsidiary that operates internationally.  The diamonds consist of one to 10 carat singular diamond cuts to include round brilliant, tiffany, emerald, pear, marquise, etc — from flawless to slight inclusions — in white primarily, to fancies or rare colors of blue, red, orange, pink, yellow and brown. GQDO will also custom design and manufacture jewelry in a joint USA facility and in a Vantera-Godsfield facility/operation in South Africa.  Our polished loose diamonds unit is expected to officially launch online by September and our USA jewelry design and manufacturing by November, followed by South Africa in first quarter 2020.   Our customers will be primarily distributors and select retailers.  We also have plans to develop exquisite private collections with brick and mortar concession partners and independent retailers.

Gem Quality Diamonds Online and Vantera Commodities Group LLC have plans to develop an entrepreneurial program designed to build multicultural business opportunities in the precious metals and minerals industries, in multiple sectors. We will pilot our program in the USA, and simultaneously and successively establish our program around the globe, with special targets to enhance opportunities in underserved communities with high growth and revenue generating probabilities. More details will be revealed by management in due course.

  • Global Strategist & Chief Marketing Officer, Don Polk
  • Lead Gemologist & Product Developer, Godfrey Maesela
  • Strategic Alliance Specialist, Barrington Rowe
  • Information Technology Manager, Ernesto Zamudio
One great product

What you need now

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Gallery of pictures click on picture to see more

DIAMONDS come in many COLORS, SIZES, SHAPES and STYLES. We treat all of our diamonds with LOVE, CARE and RESPECT, and pass all of that to you

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Video Click on video to see the video

Polished diamonds are beautiful, alluring and captivating. Diamonds command our emotions, sensitivities, grace and love. Diamonds speak to our passions, sensationalisms, hearts, bodies and souls. Diamonds are forever...

Contact Us

Get in touch


9663 Santa Monica Boulevard,
Suite 941
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


The Diamond Hub
Kimberly Diamond and Jewellery
25 Villiers Street
Kimberly, South Africa 8300


869 High Road
Tottenham, London, N17 8EY

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